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Why Me, Cowboy? Page 9
Why Me, Cowboy? Read online
Page 9
The laughter died down with a few periodical outbursts. “I suppose it won’t hurt to tell you now. My name is Benjamin Gage Whipple and I have been undercover since my dad and Robin realized cattle were being rustled from the feed yard."
“Robin was your wife?” Tansy had heard of the woman since day one. She didn’t know what to think at this new revelation. She thought the deceased woman was Benny’s daughter. As far as anyone knew, Benny’s son had left the country or was dead somewhere. No one ever spoke of him.
“She was my sister. Benny is my dad.”
“But . . . everyone thinks his son . . . I mean he disappeared from the face of the earth.”
“That’s what we hoped they would believe. If Edgar would’ve known who I was, we wouldn’t have caught him.”
“I see. You and Benny concocted a big lie about who you are?"
“No one ever asked my name or where I was from. They didn’t ask about my family. They all thought I was sweet on Robin. We were close, still we had our arguments and we hugged and made up. Nothing we ever did suggested we were lovers.”
“Everything you did made them think you were lovers, Gulch. Why would they think otherwise?”
“You weren’t here Tansy, so you don’t know. Just drop it. Andi and Jo did. They knew her and when I told them who I was, it didn’t take long for them to figure out my relationship with my sister. I don’t know how things are done in Mississippi, but I do know that Robin and I never crossed any lines that weren’t appropriate like you’re suggesting.”
“I never suggested anything inappropriate. How dare you accuse me . . .”
“Accuse you? Excuse me miss high-and-mighty cowgirl, you implied me and my sister were doing things we weren’t doing.”
Tansy glared at Gulch. Her hands fisted in her lap. Gulch burst into another round of laughter. Tansy pulled her fist back. They moaned out in unison as her fist made contact with his cheek.
“You have had that coming to you for a long while Benjamin Gage Whipple. Now put this pickup in gear and take me to the sheriff’s office.” Tansy continued to glare at him. Her breath labored and her body shook with anger. “I will give you to the count of three and then I’m going to drag you out and drive myself.”
“You’re getting a little pushy, Tansy. Yes, I did deserve a punch in the face. I will drive you to the sheriff’s office. But first I want a kiss.” He moved closer to the center console. His elbow rested on the hard plastic while he gazed into her eyes.
Tansy let out a sigh. “Then will you take me to speak to the sheriff?”
Tansy moved within inches of his lips. His warm, minty breath filled the space between them. She ran her fingers through the side of his soft, thick hair until her hand cupped the back of his head.
She let her emotions take over. Her fingers clenched around a handful of hair and she pulled him to her. Her lips smashed against his. Rough, raw, intense. Tansy relaxed her muscles, but kept her fingers clenched to the tuft of hair.
He moaned and she pulled away from him. With the handful of hair, she turned his head toward the road and let go. “Now drive, cowboy, drive.”
Gulch put the pickup in drive and pressed on the gas. Silence filled the cab. Tansy sat taller, proud that she finally got the last punch in on the arrogant cowboy.
Chapter Sixteen
Gulch kept his eyes glued to the highway stretched out before him. The shock of Tansy pulling the trigger finally settled in. The laughter welling inside made it dangerous to continue driving. He pulled over to the shoulder and stopped the pickup.
Tansy sat as still as a statue. As soon as the pickup came to a stop she turned a questioning gaze his way. In his mind’s eye, he pictured the same look on his, Ken’s, and his father’s faces when her gun went off.
From the moment Edgar hit the ground and started screaming and rolling around, he thought she had shot him in the gut. Gulch thought his heart had stopped. When Ken walked up and pointed out she aimed at the ground, Gulch let out the breath he was holding.
If he would have known she was going to punch him in the eye, he wouldn’t have pulled over. He let out a sigh as he continued down the highway. He glanced in the rearview mirror and touched the puffiness under his eye. What were Ken and his dad going to think?
Tansy didn’t have a mark on her except the ones Edgar left around her neck. Gulch’s blood heated. “Ken better have Edgar in a cell by the time we get there or I am going to rip his arm off and pound him with it.”
The parking lot was empty except for the sheriff’s pickup and an SUV. Gulch exited and walked around to the passenger side. Just as he reached to the door handle, a movement caught his eye. He whirled around to the angry face of Sam Putnam.
Gulch raised his arm over his head. Sam’s baton crashed down on him. The pickup door opened hard and fast hitting Gulch in the back and knocking him to the pavement. Tansy jumped out with her gun leveled at Sam’s head.
Tansy’s face reddened. Her lips thinned. “Throw down that baton. Get his gun and the pepper spray, Gulch. Looks like you get to spend a few days with your uncle . . . behind bars where you can insure the safety of the public like you were sworn to do.”
Gulch stood up. His arm dangled at his side. He swallowed the pain and collected the weapons with his good hand. Together, he and Tansy escorted their attacker into the sheriff’s office. He dropped the weapons onto the top of Ken’s desk.
“What’s going on?” Ken’s brows creased and his eyes narrowed.
Tansy told the story. Ken placed Sam under arrest and booked him.
Benny glanced at Gulch. The older man jumped from his chair. “Son, are you alright? It looks like Sam worked you over pretty good according to that shiner.”
Gulch gazed at Tansy. “Sam broke my arm . . . and Tansy blacked my eye. Now, I’m going to the emergency room to get something for this pain.”
“I’ll drive. Would you tell Ken where we will be, Benny?” Tansy’s voice was soft and kind. She guided him to the door and held it open until he passed through. As soon as he was in the pickup, she closed the door and ran around to the driver side.
“Thank you.” Gulch closed his eyes and clutched his injured arm.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what? Blacking my eye? I deserved it, and more if the truth be known.” Gulch cringed as the pickup lurched forward.
“No. Well, yeah. But I didn’t mean to make it sound like you and Robin were . . . you know? I was listening to rumors and drawing conclusions that she was your wife.” Tansy bit her bottom lip.
“I can see that. Tansy, I’m sorry.” He drew in a deep breath and held it.
“How’s your arm?”
“It hurts! I wished you hadn’t picked this street. It’s the only brick street in town and I can feel every one of them.”
“Hang on, we’re almost there.”
Gulch choked back the scream building in his throat. Tansy made a fast, sharp turn at the drop off doors of the emergency room. He slid forward as the pickup came to an abrupt halt.
Chapter Seventeen
Heat crept up Tansy’s neck and settled on her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she punched Gulch, even if he did deserve it. Violence wasn’t her style. If she hadn’t been under a mass amount of stress, it wouldn’t have happened.
She tried to ignore him when he ran around to open her door for her. The swift movement caught her by surprise. Sam was standing next to Gulch with his baton raised above his head. Tansy barely had time to react. They were blocking the door, but she kicked hard against the inside panel and it flew open.
Her palm grew wet as she leveled the gun at Sam. As she spoke her finger twitched, itching to blow his head off. What was happening to her? She knew she cared for Gulch deep down, and now it had surfaced. No one was allowed to inflict bodily injury upon him without paying a price.
The lo
ok on Ken’s face when they took Sam in for booking frightened her. He ripped the badge off of Sam’s chest and huffed out some nasty words as he pushed him out of the room.
Benny glanced up. Tansy braced herself for the scolding she expected for blacking Gulch’s eye. Her heart skipped a beat when Gulch said his arm was broken. She hadn’t thought anything about it as they brought in their prisoner. Heat crept over her face. She should have noticed.
“Go to the hospital and check on Andi and Jo. This is going to take a little bit. There’s no use in you sitting here waiting on me. Besides, they need to know we caught Edgar. I bet Sam was his sidekick.” Gulch followed the nurse into the emergency room.
“I’ll be right down the hall.” Tansy followed the empty corridor to Andi and Jo’s room. She pulled in a breath and slowly let it out, then stepped into the room. “Hi. How are y’all doing?”
“Nice to see you! We’re glad you’re not in here with us.” Andi glanced over at Jo.
“Did you bring chocolate?” Jo’s eyebrows rose.
“No chocolate. I didn’t exactly have time to pick any up. Sorry.” Tansy moved a chair between the two beds.
“I can’t wait until they get that jerk that put us in here.” Andi narrowed her eyes.
“That’s what I came to tell you. He’s been caught and is behind bars.” She was glad Edgar was in jail. Her mind was on the man down the hall.
“That’s the best news we’ve had all day. Who was it?” Jo asked.
“Edgar. They think Sam may have something to do with it also.”
“You don’t sound very excited. What’s wrong?” Andi reached out to Tansy.
“I’m happy they’re in jail. Sam attacked Gulch in the parking lot at the sheriff’s office. He hit him with his baton and broke his arm.” Tansy bit her bottom lip. “That was after I punched him in the eye.”
“You punched Gulch in the eye?” Jo drew in a breath and then she and Andi laughed.
“Way to go!” Andi grabbed her side.
“I feel bad about it.” Tansy fiddled with her fingernails.
“Why? Because he deserved it? Or−” Jo glanced at Tansy and then Andi.
“Because you love Gulch.” Andi squeezed Tansy’s arm and smiled.
“What? I don’t love him.” Jo and Andi snickered. “Okay, maybe I do but he deserved a black eye. Why am I so crazy? I love a man who has done nothing but torment me since the second day of work.
“We told you. Gulch is not what you think he is.” Jo picked up the remote and turned off the TV.
“He really is a nice man. I think you should give him a chance. Besides, you evidently have seen something in him the rest of us couldn’t see. Not until later anyway.” Andi said.
“Yeah. And he loves you, Tansy. There’s not a person out at the feed yard who hasn’t seen the way he looks at you . . . or you at him. We’ve all been waiting for the love bomb to drop.” Jo said.
“Love bomb? I don’t think I should get involved with him.” Tansy shook her head.
“Just hear him out. That’s the last thing we’ll ask you to do.” Jo pushed herself up on the side of her bed.
“Promise us, Tansy. It’s for your own good.” Andi also swiveled to a sitting position.
“Oh, all right. That doesn’t mean I’m going to rush into his arms and play a long game of lip lock with him.” The shuffling of a nurse stirred around the tiny closet in the corner.
“You ladies are free to go. I’ll get your papers ready while you change clothes.” The nurse walked from the room.
“I’m going to check on Gulch.” Tansy rose and followed the nurse out the door.
Chapter Eighteen
Gulch watched as the doctor and nurses put the final touches on the heavy cast. He wished they would hurry up so he could find Tansy before the pain medicine fully kicked in.
The doors swung open and there she stood, like an angel sent from heaven. “I was just thinking about you.”
Tansy flashed a smile his way. The doctor broke his gaze with her. “You’re all patched up. Sign out with the nurse and here is your prescription.”
The clerk brought a clip board with papers. He signed them and then moved over into a wheelchair by the bed. One of the nurses pushed him into the hallway where they met up with Andi and Jo.
Tansy walked in front of them and had the doors open on Benny’s pickup. The nurses loaded all three of the injured into the cab.
“I’m glad all three of you women are together. I want to tell you all how sorry I am for being a jerk during the investigation. I had the notion if I made y’all quit I could keep you safe.” Gulch’s mouth dried. “Anyway, all of you are doing a wonderful job. I love working with each of you. I plan on apologizing to everyone at the feed yard for my behavior toward the women.”
He paused for a few minutes. Jo and Andi patted him on the shoulder.
“Does this mean that sweet, loveable Gulch with all the nasty comments is retiring?” Tansy cast a side way glance his way.
“Yes ma’am. From now on, each of you will get the credit due to you. I will no longer be rude and cruel to any woman. If I would have known Tansy could pack a star-dazing punch, I wouldn’t have been so harsh.”
The cab of the pickup filled with laughter. Tansy turned the pickup into a driveway. “I’ll see them in and then be right back. Will you be all right for a few minutes?”
Gulch nodded as Tansy slipped from the pickup. She slid her arms through the bent elbows of Jo and Andi and slowly walked them up the sidewalk to the front door of their house.
True to her word, she came out in record time. Gulch swallowed hard. He fought to keep his eyes open.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, cowboy. Where’s your house?” Tansy’s soft voice caused him to open his eyes.
“Just take me home with you. I still have some things I need to say.”
“Not a chance.” She drove to his parent’s house. Clara and Benny met them in the yard.
They helped Gulch out of the pickup. “Tansy, take my pickup home and you can pick me up in the morning,” Benny called over his shoulder.
Chapter Nineteen
Tansy couldn’t stop the twisting in her gut. Benny had ordered the feed yard to close down for an announcement and a free lunch. It had been three weeks since she had time to stop in and say hello to Jo and Andi. With Gulch out, the pen riders doubled up to cover for him.
She took the stairs two at a time up to Gulch’s office. He stood behind his desk. Her breath caught in her throat. The tall, handsome man rushed around the side toward the door and pushed it shut.
He wrapped his arms around her. Sweet, light spice penetrated her nose. She couldn’t get enough of the smell of him. Gulch’s warm breath caressed her cheek as his face drew closer to her. His soft, full lips met with hers.
Tansy leaned into him. She returned his kiss without holding back. Gulch tried to pull away, she held on a little tighter. It was too soon to break the contact between them. She knew they had to get to the luncheon, but she didn’t care if they ran a little late.
“Not yet, Gulch.”
“This is important. You don’t know how long it took me to get Dad to agree to this. After work we can go somewhere private and finish this conversation.” He cupped his hand behind her ear and ran his thumb across her cheek.
Her skin tingled at his touch. “I’ll hold you to it, cowboy.”
He slipped his hand in hers and led her from the office and down the stairs. They walked from the main office over to the barn where the meeting was to be held.
The magpie and sparrows lined the fence. Golden rays of the sun sent a golden aura over the feed yard. Some of the steers bellowed from different areas. It was a beautiful day.
The door opened and Benny stepped out. “It’s about time. Everyone is waiting on you, Gulch.”
The soft mumbles from the crowd stopped when the trio entered. Tansy strolled across the cement floor and took a seat next to Jo. Gulch stood with B
enny in the middle of the room.
“Thank you for attending today. I have a few announcements before we get to the important part of this get-together . . . the food!” There was a bout of laughter. “As you all may know, for the last seven years we had a rustler in our company. Edgar Putnam not only stole cattle, he also stole my daughter’s life. Two years before Robin died, I called in Gulch to help stop the problem. He would like to say something to everyone. Gulch.” Benny took a few steps back.
“Hello. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak to you all. My name is Benjamin Gage Whipple. Benny here is my dad and Robin was my sister. I investigate rustling cases in this area. Since no one seemed interested when I first came out here, I continued as if I were in fact Gulch.” He waited for the mumbles to cease.
“You all know how I treated the women who came to work out here. I went about dealing with them the wrong way. It was unprofessional and cruel. To each one of them, I would like to ask for your forgiveness. I know I don’t deserve it, but I thought it was the only way to keep y’all safe.” Gulch drew in a deep breath.
“After I watched my sister die in front of my eyes, I couldn’t go through that again. The only way I knew how to keep them safe was to remove them from our work force. I couldn’t break my undercover identity, so I treated them disrespectfully. I aim to remedy that, or at least part of it.” He turned to Jo.
“Jo, I am so sorry. You have worked your way up the ladder to become the head feed truck driver. You have proven yourself worthy of all praises and support from your superiors. Jo, you are a great asset to the Grow ‘em and I wish you many pleasant years with the company.”
“I forgive you Gulch.” Jo nodded and smiled at him.
“Andi, I am sorry. You too have proven yourself time and time again. Without your excellent records we may have missed the opportunity to get to know you, not only as a delightful co-worker but also as a thoughtful, caring person that you are. Please forgive me and accept my praises on a job well done.”