Run to Texas Read online

Page 5

  At supper, Mattie listened to the chitchat around the long table. It seemed to be a good day for everyone present. The mindset was happy and cheerful. She smiled and nodded at all the right times. Excitement of going to her room to daydream about James motivated her into finishing the chores. She sat patiently waiting for the day to end.

  “You’re from back east, Miss O’Sheay?” Bagwell’s creepy, little voice broke into the peace of the tenants. The tenants fell deathly quiet.

  “Yes.” Mattie withheld her temper from tearing her apart.

  “Where you from?” His beady eyes bored holes in her.

  “Georgia.” Mattie concentrated on the plate in front of her, paused, then raised her eyes to him.

  “There’s a Martha Harding from the northern part of Georgia. The law is looking for her.” He continued his stares. “I hear she’s wanted for murder or something to that effect.”

  “There are many Marthas in Georgia, Mr. Bagwell.”

  “Indeed there are, Miss O’Sheay.”

  He was unable to get a rise of any kind from her. Whatever this nosey man’s motive was, it made her want to slap his face. With all the eyes from the other tenants watching, she twisted her hands in her apron and seized a deep breath.

  “Are you sure you aren’t, I mean, you don’t know her?” His beady eyes narrowed with his accusations.

  “I was acquainted with a lot of people in Georgia. If I knew her, I don’t recall.” Mattie brushed off the man with a wave of her hand.

  James glared at the rude man. “What point are you trying to make, Bagwell?”

  “Small talk, that’s all. I thought Miss O’Sheay might know the woman.” Bagwell straightened in his own defense.

  “Georgia is a large place. I may have known a lot of people, but why should I know everyone that lives there, Mr. Bagwell? Besides, every other family has a relative or two by the name Martha. It isn’t uncommon. A smart man such as yourself should know that.” Mattie pointed out with more confidence than she felt she had the right to possess.

  “We, too, came from Georgia. I have never heard of this woman. What did she do to warrant gossip from you?” Helga Church asked, turning cold, blue eyes on Bagwell.

  “She killed a deputy,” Bagwell said and turned back to his supper.

  “Is this a known fact by you? Did you see it happen? If not Mr. Bagwell you are spreading unkind rumors about something you know nothing of.” Helga gasped.

  If only the egotistical man would leave the table, peace would restore itself to the rest of the tenants. Bagwell brought out the worst in everyone. They didn’t hide their disgust of the putrid piece of rotten skunk. To get on the wrong side of Helga, the sweet, easygoing woman, was unheard of. Mattie ducked her head and coughed into her napkin to keep from laughing in his face.

  When supper was over, Mattie followed Rose to the kitchen for the cherry pie she had made for dessert. “You cut and dish, I’ll serve,” Rose said, patting her shaking arm. She hoped Rose hadn’t noticed, but she could probably pass it off as hatred for Bagwell. “Don’t let that old coot upset you.”

  “I don’t trust that man. There is something about him. I can’t place my finger on it, Rose.” Mattie concentrated on finding another reason to hate the man, an excuse plausible that would leave no explanation.

  “James thinks he may work as a hired gun. He’s been doing some checking. Hasn’t found anything other than he doesn’t work for the law in Georgia. He’s getting on James’s’ nerves.”

  “Why is he in Linden?”

  “That’s what James is trying to find out. James is a good man; handsome too, if I say so myself.” Rose smiled and a low chuckle sounded. She turned her sparkling eyes on Mattie. They held a mystical amusement in them.

  Mattie smoothed a stray hair from her face. Heat rose from her chest to cover her neck and face. Rose was surely reading her thoughts. Mattie smiled and lowered her head.

  “Ah, what are you up to Rose?” The playful question hung in the room when Mr. Bagwell entered carrying his empty plate.

  “I’m not up to anything, Mattie. I have seen the way James looks… Oh, Mr. Bagwell, would you like some cherry pie? We were just on our way out with it.”

  “No. I believe I’ll turn in. I seemed to have ruffled some feathers.” The sarcasm rolled off his tongue. He stomped through the room with his newspaper crumpled under one arm, shaking his head and muttering incoherently.

  “I wonder what he said this time.” Rose said as she and Mattie exchanged glances. They carried cherry pie to the dining room, and procured their seats. Mr. and Mrs. Church ate and retired to their room.

  Chapter Five

  “Would you join Mother and me for tea?” James motioned to the study.

  “I would like that.” Mattie peeked through lowered lashes. Her heart picked up a pace, and she found it hard to breath. She could be near James and still be safe from his touch. His touch always sent her world spinning.

  Mattie liked Rose and wondered if she was the one who prompted this request. Every night after the chores, she assumed James and Rose retired to the study to go over house business and talk about their day.

  The study displayed immaculate décor and marble fireplaces. Red, velvet curtains pooled on the floor, and furniture cushions matched. A large, golden chandelier was suspended from the ceiling. Bookcases lined walls behind an oak desk.

  Relief washed over Mattie. It helped knowing Rose would be in the room with James and her. One more encounter with him alone, and her heart would surely burst. She chose a seat on the sofa.

  James placed the serving tray on a long table and poured three cups. He handed a cup to Rose and passed one to Mattie before extracting one for himself. His fingers grazed her hand. Mattie almost dropped her tea. The effect he held over her had to end. An awkward smile crossed her face.

  Mattie couldn’t help but feel privileged. Invited into this nightly meeting made her giddy, and she would be closer to James. Often she wondered what went on behind these closed doors. It was none of her business, of course, so she kept her mouth shut. She waited for the exciting event to get underway.

  “I know you have your problems.” James bent down, kneeling in front of her. The pounding in her chest rang loud in her ears. She was sure James could hear it. Tiny drops of perspiration formed on her brow, and she made an effort to swipe them away.

  “You don’t have to tell us what they are, but it would be in your and our best interest to know what we’re up against. I don’t trust Bagwell, but we can’t help you much if we don’t know anything about the problem.”

  Mattie glanced at James, then Rose. Tears filled her eyes; a battle raged inside her. They brought me in here to find out about me. Just how much do they know? Before I say a word, I need some answers.

  “What problems are you speaking about?” She tried to feign some kind of innocence.

  “Mattie, you’ve been jumpy since you have been here. We want to help you chase away the hurt and pain. To do that, my dear, we must know what we are up against.” Rose kept her voice low.

  Mattie needed to start trusting someone. This could hurl Rose and James into danger if they knew. On the other hand, they were sure to be in worse danger if they did not know. Either way, Mattie had to make a decision on what she should do and fast. She didn’t want to keep them waiting and wondering.

  Mattie sucked in her breath, then opened her mouth and closed it again. Her shoulders slumped. She attempted to stand. James’s pull kept her seated. Mattie’s mind echoed ‘run,’ but her feet refused to obey. She glanced into Rose’s eyes before she continued. She garnered a deep breath.

  “I know you’re right. I’m Martha Harding. I did shoot a deputy. He was stealing my husband’s cattle. However, that isn’t why I’m here.” Mattie paused, looking from Rose to James. She summoned the courage to continue.

  “You see, the sheriff was on the hill that day. He caught the deputy. The deputy drew his gun to shoot the sheriff, and I pulled the
trigger on mine.” The tears warmed her cheeks. How much did they need to know to keep them safe? “I was never charged with shooting the deputy. It happened a few months before I came to Texas.”

  “Why is Bagwell bringing this up?” Rose cocked her head. Her brow furrowed, and she rubbed her chin.

  “I don’t know.” Mattie sucked in a long breath and paused. “Someone killed my husband. We were on our way home from a wedding. He sat on the wagon beside me. I followed the culprits here.” Mattie paced in front of the fireplace then returned to the sofa. The weakness in her knees threatened to spill her onto the hard floor.

  “I think Bagwell may be partners with the murderers. If he is, I’m afraid the Churches and anyone else staying here may be in danger.” She scooted to the edge of the sofa. Instantly, she reached to touch James on the arms but let her hands fall in her lap instead. Mattie shook her head. Lowering her eyes to her folded hands lying in her lap, her voice was barely audible. “That’s why I must leave here.”

  “Don’t even think about running,” James said in a firm tone.

  “I can’t stay here. I don’t want any more bloodshed on my account,” she said.

  “James is right. We have gained a lot of respect here. If you leave, you won’t have the protection we can provide.” Rose trapped Mattie’s hand in hers.

  Mattie lowered her head to her chest; James lifted her chin with his clenched knuckles. “Promise me you won’t run, Miss O’Sheay. I have people investigating Bagwell. I don’t know if they’ll find much, but I do know he’s more dangerous than we think he is. We can’t ask other tenants to leave unless we want to draw suspicion. For now, we need to keep things under our hats and continue on as if we know nothing of this matter.”

  She fought to keep from throwing herself in James’s arms. Mattie needed to feel secure and safe. The warmth of his gentle knuckles under her chin clouded her judgment. She wanted nothing more at the moment than to feel his lips on hers. For a few moments, it seemed like James and Mattie were the only two in the room.

  His large hand covered hers. Warmth spread to the inner core of her body while the breath caught in her throat. His essence floated to her nose, restoring the spiciness, leather, and horseflesh she often smelled when he was near.

  “Mattie, give James time to find answers concerning Bagwell. With Bagwell under my roof, we can keep up with him easier than following him on the streets. He may suspect you, but he doesn’t know for sure.” Rose moved to drape her arm across Mattie’s shoulder.

  “This thing’s gotten bigger than you can imagine.” Mattie’s voice faded into a whisper. Her only two friends were now in the line of fire. The enormity of guilt rushed to invade her senses.

  “Drink your tea. James will think of a plan.” Rose pulled Mattie to her massive bosom.

  An awkward silence fell over the room. Mattie rose from the sofa and started for the door. “I hope it’s soon.” She closed the door behind her and went to the staircase. The steps creaked beneath her footsteps as she ascended to the second floor.

  Mattie returned to her room. That meeting wasn’t what she had in mind. Even if James and Rose did side with her, she expected something different from an interrogation. She smiled at the tub sitting in the middle of the floor. Mattie reached for her nightclothes.

  It was hard to swallow the lump in her throat. The lid of the trunk stood partially opened, papers were spread across the table, and the doors of the wardrobe were ajar.

  For a moment, Mattie held her breath. She crept to the closet and flung open the doors. Her dresses were ripped from their hangers and lay in a heap. Mattie searched under the bed. There was no sign of anyone in the room. Quietly, she tiptoed across the hall. Raising her fist, she gently tapped on the hardwood door.

  “Mattie? What are you doing out here?” James’s furrowed brow wrinkled his face. He glanced up and down the hallway and yanked her inside.

  She vaulted into James’s arms. He rested his chin on the top of her head. Mattie’s heart warmed at the nearness of his body when he pulled her tight against his strong, hard chest. Her own body convulsed until she brought the sobs under control.

  “Do you bring the tub and take it away?” Mattie choked back more tears.

  “Yes. Is the water too cold? I can…”

  Mattie pulled his arm until he followed her. Inside her room, James’s eyes widened. He didn’t need to speak to confirm someone had been in there.

  He whispered close to Mattie’s ear, “It wasn’t this way before. I swear.” His breath stirred a loose hair on her neck. Her grip tightened on his arm.

  “I believe you.” She shoved her fear from her mind. Anger began to boil deep within. She already had a suspect in mind, and if she were brave, she would sneak into the little coward’s room and inflict a justice upon him he wouldn’t be able to talk about.

  “I’ll change the lock in the morning.” James turned to leave the room. All thoughts left her mind when he turned back.

  Mattie didn’t want him to leave. Hurrying across the floor, she came to his side. Her hand rested on his arm. He glared deep into her eyes and pulled her into his hard, lean body. His breath danced across her face, soft, sweet, and warm. He was gentle, caressing and teasing lightly as he lowered his lips to hers and gently sucked in her bottom lip.

  Mattie grew hungry for more, more kisses, more of his body against hers. Her arms knotted around his neck. His groans enticed an eager desire deep within her. Something stirred to produce a soft moan from her throat.

  Pulsing heartbeats with deep passion flooded her senses. Her willpower weakened, and she clung to him unashamed. Unable to stand on her own, she leaned into his protective arms. The swiftness of his heart beat against her. His breath turned hot and intense, matching hers.

  His eyes filled with passion. His large hand slid down her jaw line. A heated tingle trailed behind his touch. She couldn’t stop the fire he ignited. Furthermore, she didn’t have the desire to stop him.

  James worked the pins from her hair. He kissed the hollow of her neck. Mattie’s breath refused to calm its pace. James’s tongue flicked at her earlobe.

  Mattie shivered with delight. A moan welled in her throat. His warm breath lingered on her skin as he inched his way down to her shoulder. James leaned into her. She had never felt so alive with Jonathan.

  She ran her hands down James’s well-developed back. Tight muscle covered his strong bones. He pulled her closer and tightened his grip. At that moment, her heart left to mingle with his. She knew she would never be able to bring it back home. The heartache to come later would truly rip her apart. There were no promises of what was to come in the future, but she was willing to risk it all to spend a few days in James’s arms.

  Mattie’s desire rose to heated passion. She drifted on stormy waves that pulled her further into chaos, never wanting the feeling to end.

  James pulled away. “We can’t do this, Mattie.” He stood and marched from the room.

  She glared at his retreating form; her heart abandoned her to follow James. The tears fell, and her thoughts swarmed like vultures on a fresh carcass. Mattie didn’t know what she did to upset James. She stifled her sobs in the pillow.

  In the middle of the night, she paced, checked window locks, and looked under the bed. Shadows played across walls. The heaviness in her chest from James’s sudden end to the kisses and touches warred with her craving desire.

  A light tap on the door sent her heart racing. She was confused as to whether she wanted James to return. If it were the intruder, he would be in for a big surprise. At this moment, a visit from the intruder would invoke a severe pounding.

  James deserves a severe pounding. How dare he walk off and leave me in that state. How cruel can one man be, to waltz out of here with my heart like he did? Maybe he came to return it. I suppose he is too condescending to know he even stole it.

  Mattie called roughly through the door, “Who is it?”

  “Mr. Parker.”

ie’s mind twirled, and she jerked opened the door.

  Through clenched teeth, the words slid from her mouth. “What do you want, Mr. Parker?”

  “I came for the tub and to check on you. I have to admit this has set me on edge.” James reached for her and she reared away from his touch.

  “Remove the tub, Mr. Parker, and leave,” Mattie said as coldly and firmly as she could. Her fist balled. “Set you on edge? What makes you think this is a source of pleasure for me? There’s no reason you should check on me.”

  “Mattie, I’ve never had anything like this happen. I’m so sorry.” James gazed into her eyes.

  “Neither have I. I’ll tell you right now it won’t happen again.” Mattie’s foot hit the floor. She rested her fist on her hip.

  James slipped out the door. The smell of sweet spice lingered from his brief visit. Walking to the lantern, she lowered the flame. Mattie lay on the bed, facing the window. Tears stung the back of her eyes. It wouldn’t be long before the sun peaked over the horizon. Until then, she knew sleep wouldn’t come. She slipped her hand to the butt of the gun under the covers. She gripped the hard wood tightly in her hand. Silence roared in her mind.

  There was a tightness in her chest as she lay in the darkness. An uneasy strain wedged in her mind as she thought about the murders. Somewhere the watchful eyes kept following her every move, and she didn’t like the idea of being spotted by her enemies. Especially if they continued to hide in the dark shadows.

  For a time she lay still. In a few hours, Rose would be expecting her to help with the daily chores. The night grew long as she waited for the day to begin. Torturous moments assaulted her mind as time crept by.

  Finally the sun lit the sky. She descended the stairs to the kitchen.